How Parcel Lockers Revolutionise Student Residence
A parcel locker from OOHPod will revolutionise your student campus. Make parcel pick ups and returns simple for your students.
Internet savvy students are no strangers to online shopping or online swapping. With a huge number of orders placed each day, campus staff and accommodation managers face growing pressure to find creative solutions to manage parcel deliveries. A typical student residence could house about 500-600 students which means dealing with incoming parcels will be a full-time job for any one member of staff – a preventable, unnecessary cost.
The 2018/2019 academic year saw over 28,000 international student enrolments, more than double the amount recorded in 2011/2012*. With restrictions set to lift for the 2021 / 2022 enrolments, there is no reason to expect this growth trend to dissipate any time soon. More students, especially international students, means more deliveries from both online and from family and friends abroad.
"It’s no secret that online shopping is on the rise and set to double by 2026. Space on campus is at a premium and traditional mailrooms are struggling. We want to help change that dynamic by bringing a smart parcel locker solution to every student campus in Ireland - big or small.” - John Tuohy, CEO, OOHPod
Adopting an open network locker solution designed with sustainability, convenience and security in mind means that, unlike with other locker providers, students can shop anywhere, and have it delivered directly to their locker no matter who the parcel carrier is. Having a contactless, open network, smart parcel locker solution on campus simply makes sense.
Resident Safety
In the wake of COVID-19, many colleges and universities will likely adjust their approach to student housing to accommodate social distance rules. For example, some schools may only offer single rooms with ensuite bathroom instead of double or triple rooms with communal bathroom options. More communal recreation areas may be built, or areas revamped to safely house fewer students. One way or another campus and student accommodation managers will need to find creative solutions to reduce contact instances between students, especially when it comes to communal space.

24*7, Safe & Secure
With all parcels tracked and pickups and drop offs monitored by built in security cameras, packages are in safe hands. Automated notifications mean that students will know exactly when their package has arrived, and it will remain safe in a locker until they are ready to collect.
A Creative Solution
The benefits of smart parcel lockers are not just for students.With a little bit of creative thinking campus administration staff can use the lockers to help minimise contact, especially when it comes to mass distribution of physical necessities such as student ID cards or room keys. Using secure lockers to support administration tasks could streamline clunky processes and will help reduce traffic or crowd congregations in specific locations at busy times e.g enrolment days or RAG week.
OOHPod provides modular and customisable locker systems for sending, receiving, and returning parcels with an inbuilt smart technology solution that sends automated text messages to residents as soon as their package is ready for collection. Hosting a smart parcel locker system designed for student accommodation offers a cost saving, convenient and secure delivery solution for students.
If you would like to make it easier for staff and residents to manage parcel delivery, securely and with 24*7 access contact us on any of our social platforms or through OOHPod, your out of home delivery station. Coming Soon.